We want to contribute to children's learning and development for a sustainable society!




We are Minilobes! We will do our best in different ways to inspire children´s learning and development.


We want to contribute to the learning and development of all children for att more sustainable society.


• All children have the possibility to learn if they are given the right preconditions.

• UN´s declaration of human rights, Children´s convention.

• MiniLobes want to be independent.


For now we have focused on creating learning games in matematics and language development for children between 3-12 years. In future we will also use other ways in our strive to contribute to the learning and development of children.


Our goal is that all of what we do should be free of charge for children and parents.

Who stand behind us at MiniLobes?

We have hired Jennie Söderlind, teacher, as a creative pedagogue and Johan Törnqvist, doctor, as responsible for develepment. We corporate together with Liifle AB, Swedish corporate number 556771-2160